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Dria Dawa
Southern Ethiopia
Addis Ababa
Ethiopia is characterized by immense variations of physical and human geography coupled with those of language, culture, and religion, inevitably resulted in the existence within the confines for the present day Ethiopian regions of many differing customs and way of life.

Ethiopia contains a variety of geographical formations and a multitude of ethnic groups. Centuries of migration and interaction between groups of people have created a complex pattern of ethnic, linguistics and religious groups, dispersed with broad geographical variations.

Ethiopia extends over 1127 sq .km, with Eritrea to the north and east, Djibouti to the east, Somalia to the east and south, and Sudan to the west. Being mountainous country, Ethiopia comprises three climatic zones and has two rainy seasons. The highland plateau (Dega) above 2500m, with peaks up to 5000m, stretches from the north to the center of the country towards the south; the Dega falls away to a medium range plateau (1500-2500m) before it reaches the lowlands in the southern most part of the country. The eastern part of Ethiopia constitutes a semi-desert plateau, continuing into Somalia, and to the west is lowland plain reaching into Sudan.

Due to the prevailing conditions, the country's social and economic services have been minimal and therefore, the people with disability became the primary target of such poverty, isolation, indignity and dependency. The oppression is rooted in the political, economic and cultural dimensions of everyday life and became facts of the major human right devastation.

In spite of the low level of awareness and unfavorable views held by they second public towards People With Physical Disability (PWPD) , very little has been done so far concerning dissemination of information and public awareness campaigns with a view to bringing about a positive public attitude on persons with physical disabilities. As a result, persons with physical disabilities are denied equal opportunities in society and are subjected to various forms of discrimination and segregation. They are thought as economically dependent and treated as irrelevant to development. This Project Proposal is thus prepared to launch a campaign on educating the several public so as to bring about attitudinal change on PWPD. The orgnazation aims to play holistic role both to raise public awareness where PWPD can be regarded as productive citizens rather burden of the nation, given the necessary support to them disabilities and to make influence all stakeholders and collaborators to create inclusive system in the overall area of their development undertakings.

The total projected population of the country for 2007 is estimated to be 77,127,000 persons of whom 38,644,000 are male and 38,483,000 are female. Accordingly the population censuses in the selected interventional areas are as follows:-

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United Polio Survivors Foundation, Ltd.
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